From my Technorati inbound links, I discover that someone called Mohan KV has called me ‘Arrogant.Opinionated.Must Read.’ (Arrogant? Really?). The man is a must-read himself. The whole blog are strong, but this post about Mech Engineering endterms at IITM is sublime.
Especially power plant engineering:
Doing a simple energy balance, we (all of us) find the exit temperature of water be a slightly warm 35,000 degrees Celsius. Tungsten vaporizes at 5600 degrees Celsius. Hot.
Oh, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics ( 35,000 deg C > 6,000 deg C K, Temperature of the sun) is for sissies, we’re Mechanical Engineers now.
And once you’ve violated the Second Law, what’s the Theory of Relativity in comparison:
Question 6: An induced draft wet cooling tower [blah blah yada yada]. It receives 4,50,000 kgs of air per minute, and 68,000 kgs of water per minute. [Some arbit question requiring the use of a psychrometric chart.]
For any reasonable size of the cooling tower, the mass flow rates involved will cause the velocity of air to be comparable the speed of light in vacuum.
Relativistic Heat and Mass Transfer In Conventional Cooling Towers. Joy.
And let’s not forget question 11:
Now question 11 requires some perspective. Reasonable men would look at a power plant, and ask in moments of deep introspection: If I put in a kg of coal here, how much electrical energy am I going to get out of the other side? Reasonable men will go ahead, put many, many kgs of coal, and publish their findings as performance characterstics.
Agent Solar, on the other hand, waves away such efforts as mere child’s play. Real Men, he contends, find expressions for the input of a power plant as a function of its output.
All is well, till that function happens to be a cubic polynomial. With two real, positive roots and one negative root. What does that mean? It means you drop in a kg of coal, and pray. Pray hard, and the output tends to the larger of the three roots. Else, be warned, sinner ! Your power plant could end up drawing power, if the equation is to be believed !! Behold Divine Retribution !
But the absolute best vignette is this one about trying to mug a formula:
Mojan: Mapullais, I know what you are doing wrong.
Makam: Oh, peace, you got it, eh? what ?
Mojan: You are not trying to understand concepts from a scientific perspective. The Spirit of Inquiry is what is missing.
This is profound, and has gigantic implications. The Spirit of Inquiry is essential, in all applications.