
So thanks to airfares going down again, I had enough money spare to buy the awesome Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8 lens, which Chandru and Nega have been praising and taking awesome photos with. It seemed appropriate to inaugurate the lens by taking photos of my mum’s many Ganesh idols.

Unfortunately, my first few attempts didn’t quite work out and the first decent photo that I took on the lens was one of my mum, not of Ganapati. A day later, I did get this awesome shot of a painted Ganapati in front of a stone one.


The photo was cropped to squareness in Picasa, but the soft focus on the background is entirely the lens’s good work.

0 Responses to शुभारंभ

  1. sanjay says:

    your point of reference for bokeh should be sushicam.com. sharpness..

  2. whatnwhen says:

    Sony would have been much better……

  3. neha says:

    This lens makes everything else feel cheap and awful no?

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