
BESCOM is doing some sort of maintenance, and so there isn’t any power at my place until nine or ten o’ clock. Since I have to get a lot of questions for next month’s KQA Ranking open ready, I’ve brought my laptop and datacard to the CMH Road Cafe Coffee Day, and I’m blogging from a cafe for the first time in my life.

Much as I love my Dell laptop, I have to admit that in situations like this, you really wish you had a MacBook. Sitting in a cafe and blogging is pseud, but doing it from a MacBook is the sort of overwhelming pseud-put that is very hard to achieve.

Now, back to making questions.

0 Responses to Cafeblogging

  1. Ravi says:

    hmmmnn…so, to become ultra-pseud, I just have to start blogging again, since I spend most of my time at coffee pubs 🙂
    P.S: Hope you get the point

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