Hacking the Media

CNN-IBN wants to interview me today for tips on cracking the CAT. If they do a live telecast instead of a pre-recorded one, the temptation to scream ‘Prakash Karat is a traitorous bastard!’ will be overwhelming.

Update: It was prerecorded. So I generally told CAT aspirants that there was no point mugging anything new two days before the test, and that they should go out for coffee or icecream. If only they had been running a story on what CAT prep over a year should be like, I could have furthered the free market fundamentalist agenda by telling everyone that the best way to prepare for the reading comprehension section is to regularly read Ajay Shah, Niranjan Rajadhyaksha, and the Indian Economy Blog.

0 Responses to Hacking the Media

  1. skimpy says:

    don’t you know that CNN-IBN is a commie channel? if they weren’t they would’ve been interviewing us live i think and allowed us to say what we want

    and i read this post somewhere (by vir sanghvi i think) about how even the supposed “live” interviews by channels are never live

  2. Aadisht says:

    I have read that Vir Sanghvi column also. But if there’s a live feed going out, there’s nothing they can do about it.

    And the CNNIBN reporters were all out covering the Karnataka politics. So they outsourced it to the very noncommie CNBC. But it was still prerecorded.

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