
WordPress is going to upgrade to version 2.3 next week. While I’m thrilled to bits about the upgrade and the core support for tags, I’m not so thrilled about having to find a tag-compatible theme. Consider my requirements for a theme:

  1. Needs to be compatible with WP 2.3 and thus with tags and widgets.
  2. Needs to be three-column.
  3. Needs to support Indic fonts (which I use rarely, but even on rare occasions they need to be rendered properly).
  4. Needs to have next post/ previous post links in every post page.
  5. Needs to not screw up embedded photos.

A few months ago, when I tried to find a theme which matched all these requirements, I ended up trying out about twenty different themes. None of them fulfilled all the requirements. By the time my disk space usage had exploded to 80% under the weight of all the new installations, the only theme which worked was the current one. Which, as is painfully obvious to anybody not reading this on a feedreader, is excruciatingly orange. My mother thinks it looks cheerful and sunny, but everyone else who ever expressed an opinion hates it.

And now the rigmarole will start anew next month. Oy vey.

0 Responses to 2.3

  1. Patrix says:

    Or you could just add the tags code in your current theme.

  2. Pam says:

    Oh, we remember the whole theme juggling very well, don’t we?
    And what’s excruciating about orange, pray tell? 🙂
    Good luck.

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