Risk Evasion is not Risk Management

DNA has an article titled ‘Being behind the curve helps Banking Street‘, where it praises the RBI for being conservative, and thus ensuring that Indian banks were not exposed to the subprime contagion:

Bless the conservative Reserve Bank of India too, for its tough regulations on overseas investments have meant Indian banks’ exposure remains limited.

I think this is a wonderful insight, and should not be limited only to banking. It must be applied everywhere.

For starters, everyone should never have sex. This will ensure that nobody is exposed to AIDS.

Also, nobody should ever take the board exams. After all, some people might flunk.

And there should be a newspaper regulator which should stop DNA from hiring business writers. There’s a chance that they’ll hire idiots.

2 Responses to Risk Evasion is not Risk Management

  1. Venu says:

    Awesome post.

  2. Sridhar says:

    I cannot believe DNA had that piece…looks more like something the commies would write in their mouthpiece.
    And, oh, btw, you should write about why Praful Bidwai is an idiot. I am looking forward to that post…

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