Ambivalence on Self Expression

It isn’t just self-awareness that’s overrated. Self-expression is just as bad. When you combine the two it becomes an inferno.

You are self-aware. Thus you know your own insecurities. You self-express. Thus you talk about them. Everyone around you does not. You then wonder why everyone else seems to be so much less insecure than you are. You feel even more insecure.

However, when people leave comments on your post about self-awareness expressing approval, you get the feeling that perhaps they are as insecure as you. Schadenfreude happens and insecurity reduces.

The moral: self-expression is only good to the extent that it leads to schadenfreude.

5 Responses to Ambivalence on Self Expression

  1. Rani Malhotra says:

    I guess you hv used shadenfreude in a wrong sense.. as it means something that reduces happiness- Shaden : to spoil, Freude : joy

  2. Aadisht says:

    Rani, please read this.

  3. Rani Malhotra says:

    Thx fr clearing the doubt 🙂

  4. HT says:

    Is it schadenfreude or is it gladness that you’re not alone (in the way you feel).

    Many misconstrue awareness of a loneliness for an excessive self-awareness. Self-awareness however is quite constant.

  5. Aadisht says:

    It is schadenfreude. And I am convinced that most people have no self-awareness at all, or any awareness for that matter.

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