It Could Be So Much Worse

Desipundit is criticised for linking to blogposts of dubious quality. And rightly so. But even they never sink to the levels of Tomorrow.Sg, and link to The Ten Best Toilets in Singapore.

And the King is so much preferable to Singapore’s Number One Blogger. Sample this conversation I had last night about Xiaxue.

Kunal: pink background, variable font sizes, aaaaaargh!!!!
is this creature some manner of celebrity? i notice she mentions 30k readers
Aadisht: She is Singapore’s number one blogger
Like Kiruba
but more pink
Kunal: surely singapore is not that far gone?
look at the bloody snowflakes coming out of her head!
Aadisht: You are unaware of the true horrors of Singapore
The Straits Times is 64 pages long
and like Bombay Times
Imagine 64 pages of supplement as the main paper
Kunal: thats just terrrible!
this is the price of chewing gum-free streets
Aadisht: They are no longer gum free even. The ban is lifted.
Kunal: so its all for nothing?
Aadisht: Well it could be the price of the food
Kunal: the mushing of brains without the safety of goo-free table undersides?

Truly, we are fortunate to live in India.

0 Responses to It Could Be So Much Worse

  1. Divya says:

    Aadist: Xiaxue is one of the most popular bloggers in asia not just Singapore 🙂

    In a way I think does link to websites that Singaporeans rarely get to see given that we have no other publications except those published by The Straits Media.

    If you want to follow more Singapore opinion you should look at

  2. Aadisht says:

    Divya: Asia is doomed.

    On a serious note, I would be more respectful of Tomorrow as an alternative to Straits Media if they linked to more quality stuff. Usually whatever they link to is pretty badly written, or juvenile, or both.

    I did not know about Ping. Will definitely look at it.

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