I’m bringing back Kingsley’s ‘Today I clipped my toenails‘ meme. Stochastica’s blogger meets are fun, but the toenail clippings are funner.
Kind Friend informed me today that my toenails were too long. I clipped them between bouts of blogging, and they’re now down to normal size. Stupendous delight explodes unabashedly.
I’m a huge fan of toenail clippers, by and by. But if I were a cow I wouldn’t have toenails to clip.
I cut my toenails today. I am sure that all rightwing trolls and dumbheads will now go crying Mama Krish has cut his toenails. But free market fundamentalists can’t understand why to cut toenails. I won’t waste time bothering to answer to their bullshit that why I cut them. They are too dumb to understand and thatz it. Therez no point replying to them. I don’t know why they call themselves educated.
My toenails are dead.
General Musharaff’s latest statement on being willing to cut down on toenails needs to be viewed with caution. A strategic reduction in toenail clippers will work to India’s advantage, but Pakistan has not yet earned enough trust to take the General at face value. As this blog has often pointed out, the increasing length of toenails is another reason why Manmohan Singh should resign.
I cut my toenails today. [1]
[1] I used a toenail clipper.
Just got back from a quiz I’d conducted at IIT Kharagpur to discover that the original Frank Quitely and DeMatteis toenail clippings I ordered on eBay finally arrived today, after nine months in which I had forgotten that I’d spent $6320 on them. I had downloaded scans of the clippings earlier and after that I just had to buy the originals. I’ve uploaded these to toenailclippingfans.
My toenails had grown too long. Invoking the name of Temujin, I cut them all off. With a battleaxe.
[…] Aadisht revives an old meme, the one about clipped toenails. Amusing. […]
“he increasing length of toenails is another reason why Manmohan Singh should resign”. LOL
Haha! Falstaff’s is the best. You could have included a subtle reference to some “respected” and obscure work of art, though.
Welcome to my marketing team. Remember the mantra “2007 target 100000”.
BTW, you forgot to add “they are damn fools” in there.
Krish, you are too unambitious. A mere one lakh? It is the goal of the Chozha Cell of the Cartel to make you the foremost voice of the desi left/ liberal/ progressive blogosphere. Together we can do it.
I am ambitious but I also know the ability of cartellians. Hence a realistic goal.
Krish: Don’t worry. We shall help you exceed your goals.
No talk. Show in action.
[…] According to Aadisht Khanna, this is what a toenail clipping post will look like on this blog: General Musharaff’s (sic) latest statement on being willing to cut down on toenails needs to be viewed with caution. A strategic reduction in toenail clippers will work to India’s advantage, but Pakistan has not yet earned enough trust to take the General at face value. As this blog has often pointed out, the increasing length of toenails is another reason why Manmohan Singh should resign. [Sleisha Cuppax Fundaes (w)Only] […]
Krish: They made you reply thrice in 10 comments. Enough action for today to avoid Krish burnout!
Anand, it’s the only kind of action Krish would otherwise get. So let him have some.
As long as you guys are doing the ghoda giri for me, I don’t mind some action here. Keep going guys.
Excuse me while I die of laughter.
neha, you don’t have to see krish’s agony here to die of laughter. see yourself in the mirror. that will be enough 🙂
I’m letting this comment stay, but it’s only fair to point out that ‘Dave’ is using an anonymiser service to mask his IP.- Aadisht
Grow up everybody and let my marketing kids do their work. No distractions please.
not that hoary chestnut?!
I’m surprised you didn’t include a comment by Krish clarifying his own post. Oh wait, you did. Awesome!