If The Shoe Fits

On the topic of vegetarianism, the Master wrote:

Cut him off from the proteins and the amino-acids, and you soured his normally amiable nature, turning him into a sullen hater of his species who asked nothing better than to bite his n. and dearest and bite them good. But give him this steak and kidney pie outlet, thus allowing him to fulfil what they call his legitimate aspirations, and chagrin would vanish and he would become his old loveable self once more. The dark scowl would be replaced by the tender simper, the acid crack by the honeyed word, and all would be hotsy-totsy once more.

This could explain why Gujjus are so ornery, and go about rioting and vandalising and whatnot. All they need to do is have a nice steak, and they will overflow with love and benevolence once more.

0 Responses to If The Shoe Fits

  1. Just Me says:

    The ‘Master’ is ?

  2. shrikanthk says:

    which plum book is this from?

  3. Vulturo says:

    Indeed, I’d like to know that as well.

  4. Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves.

  5. […] we have vegetarians. I had already blogged about P G Wodehouse’s quote on vegetarianism souring the disposition, and how this could explain the tendency of Gujews to go out and slaughter each other. Now we have […]

  6. tarun says:

    The voice of the quote very much reminds me of Johnathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal.”

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