Airport Modernization

As everyone knows by now, Delhi and Mumbai airports are going to be modernized by private contractors, and the AAI has promptly gone on strike.

Since the new contractors have committed to retain all staff for the next three years, and retain at least 60% of the staff beyond that, what exactly is troubling these people so much that they are declaring an illegal strike to protest? Is it blind opposition to privatization? Is it sheer cussedness? Is it politics?

Actually, it is none of these. What everyone has forgotten is that the leaders of both the winning consortiums- GMR and GVK- are both Gult companies. The AAI workers, are quite understandably, worried that the new management will change their uniforms and that they will end up looking like this or this, or horror of horrors, this. (Warning: links not only Not Safe For Work, but probably Not Safe For Anything)

So you see, the way out of the impasse is really very simple. All that has to be done for the strike to end is for the new management to assure the employees that the design of new uniforms, if any, will be left to the German and Malaysian partners.

One Response to Airport Modernization

  1. kaushik says:

    i want to know how will be the design of the revamped airport of the mumbai by 2010 after mordernisation,pls send me the details aswell as pictures if possible

    (for hobby purpose)

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